[EXTRA CREDIT 1] Moving to Finland.

The big lesson from the world´s best school system? Trust your teachers

by John Hart © The Guardian - August 2017

Comparisons are hateful to make, but sometimes, they are necessary, for example, if we want to treat important things such as education or even poverty. The outstanding recordings that the author wrote prove to us that Finland would be a perfect country to live in, either if you are a student or a teacher. Since teachers are expected to look after our children, we could take one lesson away from this article, move to Finland because their ethos in relation with society and education are very worthy and praised.

It is very clear that every teacher has their own strengths and weaknesses, but in the northern country, according to the article, they will value and trust the work and the effort that the teachers really put into educating the generations to come, and that is something very stringent that every school should have.

Plus, and to sum up my ideas, getting to see Northern Lights is an experience that you do not want to miss, so, I already have my ticket to fly to Finland searching new experiences! 
(I really wish, I am so poor).

Figure 1: Northern Lights in Finland.

Sergio Limiñana.


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