Assignment 1: infographic.


As a part from my evaluation, I have to create three different assignments, and here is the first one! Things are a little different than what my class mates have done, but life always keeps surprising you and you have to recieve it with a smile and turn it into something positive. 

The assignment is to create an infographic, a brief presentation a two different activities to support my ideas.

First of all, I am going to show you all the poster that I have created: 

Everything will be explained on the video, but I will make some comments here too!

Communicative Approach, an overview.
  • I am so proud of the final result of the poster, because I am not that kind of person that is "able" to use the kind of tools that are required to do so.
  • I have selected this teaching method because of the practicality of the method. I relate this method to my personality so much, so I feel very identified with the approach.
  • As I have an alternative evaluation, I have to create all the assignments by my own, so that means extra work for me, but I really enjoy working on my own and surprising myself.
  • I think that I have defined this particular approach in a very visual way, which is very helpful to understand the whole meaning of it!

Without further ado, I am going to present to you my project:

Again, I have to thank my friend Maria who has helped me with the vidio editing process. I hope everything was clear enough and also, that you all have enjoyed the video and the presentation, and maybe that you have learnt something new today!

I am currently working on my second assignment, which is a little bit longer for me, but as soon as I could, I will upload the final result here! While that moment comes, I will keep up posting about the extra credits and some other curious articles and things that I find interesting for the subject!

Thank you all, and read you soon!


  1. Congratulations on this project! You did a superb job and I loved the video of the presentation. Keep it up!!!


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