[EXTRA CREDIT 2] The most special people.

Learning is always a difficult process, but there are people who find it just a little bit more difficult. Sometimes, there are some alterations ir our bodies that do not allow some people to learn as the rest of the people, but thanks to some applications, these people would feel more special because they could learn as the rest but having a little more fun!

This particular application is very helpful for children with ASD or other funcional disorders. Apart from helping to improve the language with their activities, this app is designed for teachers or parents to choose the lessons for the children, adapting the lessons to their needs.


       Bookshare allows teachers as well as students to look into a huge book platform, so many books can be downloaded. The advantage for this application is that students can download all kinds of books from different levels to be a self-learner

With applications of this kind, developers try to find new ways to include people with special needs to keep on moving on learning and so that, they realize that we all deserve the same right to have an equal education.
