Online teaching?

With the presence of the COVID-19, many fields in our society had suffered many changes. In this case, our main concern, as students, and in the not too distant future, as teachers, is the curricular adaptation that has happened within the last months.
As students, we have never experienced that, at least, in my case, and at the beginning of the pandemic situation, things could have seemed a little crazy.
After having a telematic education during this whole semester, many students have different opinions of the issue, and I have been collecting their opinions to share them with you.

  • MARIA, 3rd year of INTERIOR DESING, ESAD: "In my opinion, teachers did not give us the necessary amount of attention that we deserved, that is to say, they were just sending new projects and exercices but they did not really have the same connection and concern that they would have had if the situation was different".
  • ALEJANDRO, 3rd year of ENGLISH TRANSLATION, UA: "In my case, things have been quite easy, except from a subject, which was more difficult to be taught on-line. Teachers have been giving us updates of the situation and granted us with all the materials for the classes, so we would not miss the rhythm at all".
  • ANNA, 5th year of MEDICINE, UMH: "I have a little bit of a mess with the subjects, because I have subjects from many years, and each of the subjects has a different methodology. They have changed the criteria for the exams and the projects for the continuous assessment. It has been very different because I had to do practices, but I hope that they would inform us in a future. The teachers from the rest of my subjects are lost. They had updated us the criteria like a week before the exams and we are so worried about the actual situation, but I hope everything will be okay".
  • ADRIÁN, MASTER IN MANAGEMENT AND RESTORATION IN THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, UA: "Our presencial classes finished before the quarantine, so it hasn´t affected me in a way because of the subjects that I have chosen, some of my mates had to change some presentation dates, but everything has solved in a great way. It is true that we had to do some kind of "extra work" with some powerpoints and projects, but everything is fine in a way".
  • PABLO, 4th year of BIOLOGY, UGR: "In the case of the TFG, my tutor was so lovely because he was so attentive to me and helped me a lot during this pandemic. The rest of my subjects didn´t go that well because of the amount of research that we had to do. In one subject, the teacher told us to submit a 15 pages paper about the COVID-19, and apparently it does not have any relation with the subject. I have been learning more by myself, to be honest".
  • MARIA, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER: "In my case, I am not that old, but it is true that it has been difficult to adapt everything so quickly. I had used some of the tools that the highschool provided us, such as Meets, but, for example, Zoom was a discovery to me. In general, students have been very good at connecting to online classes, without some exeptions, everything went great. It has been more stressful in a way, since the amount of work increased, and I teach three different subjects, so imagine having that amount of students and everything to correct". 
  • SERGIO, 3rd year of ENGLISH PHILOLOGY, UA: "I have many complains, but at the same time I completely understand everything. Teachers are human people, and we can´t expect everything from them because they have their own lives to live. I am so worried about the literature subjects, because I am a person that needs a teacher explaining things in order to achieve a fully understanding of what is being said, so I think I would have some difficulties in order to pass the subjects, but we will see. In general it was more of our own work, timing and planning the study hours, and not every one has the same ability to do so (for example, I don´t have it, because I am sooooo messy and a disaster), but I have faith!!".
Here we have some opinions about different people. I wanted to give a broad perspective of our situation right now, not focusing in our university, but also in some other universities in Spain and from other perspective, a teacher, who, by the way, is my aunt. I asked her opinion and she was so surprised and excited to show her perspective. 

This is a curious thing to study on, so... maybe I would have some ideas for a future research? Who knows!! 

Hope you liked this article :D


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